Eel fish : Systematic position , Identifying Character

Systematic position Of Eel Fish ( Anguilla bengalensis ):

Phylum – Chordata
Subphylum – Vertebrata
Super Class – Gnathostomata
Class – Osteichthyes
Super order – Elopomorpha
Order – Anguilliformes
Family – Anguillidae
Genus – Anguilla
Species – bengalensis

Identifying Character Of  EelFish:

  • All members possess either in adult or larval stage a notochord, which forms the axial skeleton of the body
  • Pharyngeal gill slits are present in all members

Hence, Phylum Of  Eel Fish – Chordata

·         Notochord is replaced by vertebral column
·         Brain is wEel developed with brain box or cranium
·         Gills are present as primary respiratory organ

Hence, Subphylum Of  Eel Fish – Vertebrata

  • Mouth bounded with jaws

Hence, Super class Of  Eel Fish - Gnathostomata

  • Endoskeleton is bony
  • Skin is provided with mucous gland
  • Scales are ganoids, ctenoid, cycloid, types, some are scale less
  • Paired fins are provided with fin rays, which may be cartilaginous or bony
  • Gill arches are bony
  • Gill Chambers are covered by bony operculum

Hence, Class Of  Eel Fish – Osteichthyes

  • Gular plate present in non eel like representatives.
  • Branchiostegals usually numerous.

Hence, Super order Of  Eel Fish - Elopomorpha

  • Body ill like, smooth, with minute or rudimentary scales, imbedded in the skin or absent
  • Gill opening in the pharynx as narrow or wide slits
  • Pelvic fins are absent

Hence, Order Of  Eel Fish – Anguilliformes

·         Gill openings situated in the pharynx in the form of moderate slits near the base of pectoral fins.
·         Nostrils lateral or superior

Hence, Family Of  Eel Fish – Anguillidae

  • Body elongated, cylindrical, band-shaped, Abdomen rounded, Head long and compressed, Snout pointed.
  • Mouth terminal, cleft of mouth wide, extending to the posterior margin of the orbit
  • Eyes are very small, superior, in middle of the head, not visible from the bEelow ventral surface
  • Lips are thick and wEel developed
  • Jaws are equal
  • Caudal fin continued round the end of the tail

Hence, Genus Of  Eel Fish – Anguilla

  • Villiform teeth are present in the jaws and palate
  • Dorsal fin inserted midway between gill opening and origin of anal fin with 220-305 rays and no spine
  • Anal fin long with 200 – 250 rays
  • Colouration of adult is variegated

Hence, species – bengalensis

Hence, the provided specimen is Anguilla bengalensis

Distribution - Throughout India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma and Malay

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